Thesis topics

Dear Students,

Thank you for your interest in our thesis topics. Our tutors welcome all applications and are open to discussing the topics advertised. Of course, we also offer the possibility to develop an individual topic if the supervisor decides so. The Institute of Behavioural Sciences offers a wide range of options for thesis topics: social, ethical, interpersonal and individual phenomena related to everyday medical practice are all covered in the list of topics below.

  1. Students taking their 10th or earlier active semester will be given priority when undertaking supervisor assignments, as they will have more time to develop their dissertation.
  2. The staff of the Institute of Behavioral Sciences primarily accepts applications for consultants that are submitted at least two semesters before the scheduled submission deadline. After individual consideration, of course, it is also possible to undertake the supervision of the dissertation in a different case.
  3. It is strongly recommended that all thesis students register as member to the Undergraduate Research Society (TDK) at the same time.
  4. Before signing the consultancy statement, the student will be fully informed of the expectations, tasks, deadlines and evaluation criteria for the thesis.
  5. If the student fails to report to the thesis supervisor for an extended period of time and/or fails to respond to the supervisor's request within a reasonable time, the supervisor may withdraw from the thesis advisory role or decide not to accept the thesis.
  6. After finalizing the dissertations, students are asked to submit an abstract. This is necessary due to the invitation of the reviewers and the presentation of the work of the supervisor at the Institute.

Formal requirements. The abstract should be no longer than 200 words and should include, where possible, the following sections: Statement of the Question/Principle; Method; Results; Conclusion

The impact of early life and lifestyle on non-communicable diseases
Tutor: dr. Béla Birkás associate professor

Psychosocial impact of chronic diseases and implications for mental health
Tutor: dr. Béla Birkás associate professor

The impact of fear of medical interventions on the experience of pain
Tutors: dr. Béla Birkás associate professor - dr. Árpád Csathó associate professor -
dr. Boróka Gács research associate professor

Relationship between the quality of the early environment and the functioning of the Behavioral Immune System
Tutors: dr. Béla Birkás associate professor - dr. Boróka Gács research associate professor

Fear and aversion reactions to medical interventions - triggers, risk factors and treatment options
Tutor: dr. Béla Birkás associate professor

Mental health and academic performance of medical students: depression, anxiety and other indicators of psychological distress
Tutor: dr. Boróka Gács research associate professor - Dr. Beáta Laki senior lecturer

PsychoEthics: The Role of Moral Obligations and Values in Mental Health
Tutor: dr. Boróka Gács research associate professor - dr. Beáta Laki 
senior lecturer

Psychological stress, the role of early maladaptive schemas in chronic skin diseases
Tutor: dr. Boróka Gács research associate professor - Jutta Major clinical psychologist - dr. Béla Birkás associate professor

Neuropsychology of Parkinson's disease
Tutor: dr. Kázmér Karádi associate professor

Genetics and gene ethics
Tutor: dr. Beáta Laki senior lecturer

Moral issues of certain reproductive technologies
Tutor: dr. Beáta Laki senior lecturer

Moral issues of the use of artificial intelligence in medicine
dr. Beáta Laki senior lecturer

Human Sexual Behaviour: Evolutionary Perspectives
Tutor: dr. Róbert Mátics research associate professor

Human Aggression: Evolutionary Perspectives
Tutor: dr. Róbert Mátics 
research associate professor

Human Morality: Evolutionary Perspectives
Tutor: dr. Róbert Mátics 
research associate professor

Human Religious Behaviour: Evolutionary Perspectives
Tutor: dr. Róbert Mátics 
research associate professor

Evolutionary Background of Mental Illnesses
Tutor: dr. Róbert Mátics 
research associate professor

The role of placebo effect in healing, and the ethical concerns of placebo use
Tutor: dr. Tibor Szolcsányi senior lecturer

Science and pseudoscience
Tutor: dr. Ádám Tamás Tuboly research associate professor

Twentieth-century history of science
Tutor: dr. Ádám Tamás Tuboly research associate professor

Method and concepts of medical humanities
Tutor: dr. Ádám Tamás Tuboly research associate professor

Sociology of science: the relation of science to society 
Tutor: dr. Ádám Tamás Tuboly research associate professor

Goals and ethics of science communication 
Tutor: dr. Ádám Tamás Tuboly research associate professor